Title: LOST: Flight 815 Crash in Real Time
01/28/10: Sydney Airport in Real Time 1/2http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VocaHe...
01/26/10: Currently working on a sequel of sorts. Look for it this weekend.
01/23/10: As many views in the last two days as Jack Bauer Kills got in the last nine months.
01/21/10: Holy crap! Linked from Damon Lindelof's Twitter http://twitter.com/DamonLindelof
09/22/09: Mentioned in the Drunk Tank podcast on Rooster Teeth (http://tinyurl.com/nna68p)
The crash of Flight 815 from Lost in real time in the style of 24. I made this mostly to see if it could be done and I think it came out pretty well. Enjoy!
01/26/10: Currently working on a sequel of sorts. Look for it this weekend.
01/23/10: As many views in the last two days as Jack Bauer Kills got in the last nine months.
01/21/10: Holy crap! Linked from Damon Lindelof's Twitter http://twitter.com/DamonLindelof
09/22/09: Mentioned in the Drunk Tank podcast on Rooster Teeth (http://tinyurl.com/nna68p)
The crash of Flight 815 from Lost in real time in the style of 24. I made this mostly to see if it could be done and I think it came out pretty well. Enjoy!
Title: Alex Agnew - Ground Zero
Title: Alex Agnew Muggen
strijk gaan !
Title: My Interview with Steve Jobs!
My close, personal friend, Steve Jobs of Apple sat down with me to talk about the iPad, Apple's design process, and how much he loves journalists. It was so much fun!
Title: Sven Kramers Dom interview moment. O.W.S.Vancouver 2010
Zven word deze stomme vraag gesteld.
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